
Writing A Will In Washington State

A Washington Last Will and Testament is a legal estate-planning document that allows a "Testator," the creator of the will, to set forth instructions on how they would like their estate to be distributed in the event of their death. Assets and property under the testator's estate considered for distribution may include businesses, digital assets, real estate, personal property, life insurance policies, among many other important assets/property. Generally, assets are distributed to continue the financial security of the testator's immediate and extended family; beneficiaries are usually spouses, children, relatives, and friends. However, some testators choose to make charitable donations to educational institutions or even specific research facilities for various personal reasons. After the testator has constructed the will to their satisfaction, it must be signed in the presence of two (2) witnesses– both of whom will also sign the document. Revisions and revocations to the will can be made by a testator of sound mind at any time.

Table of Contents

  • Laws
    • Signing Requirements
  • (Video) How to Make a Will in Washington
  • How to Write
  • Related Forms
    • Advance Directive
    • Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney


Definition – (RCW 11.02.005(20)) –  "Will" means an instrument validly executed as required by RCW 11.12.020.

Signing Requirements (RCW 11.12.020) – Signed by the Testator and by two (2) Witnesses by either signing the Will or an attached affidavit to the Will.

Statutes – Title 11 RCW (Probate and Trust Law)

(Video) How to Make a Will in Washington

How to Write

Step 1 – Establish the document by entering the testator's name at the top of the document. In the following fields, enter:

  • The Testator's name
  • City and County of residence
  • State
  • Review of remainder of information
  • Read "Expenses and Taxes"

Step 2 –Appointment of an Executor – Enter the following:

  • Provide the name of the selected executor
  • City
  • County
  • State (where representative resides)

Should the testator's initial selected executor become unable to execute the distribution of the document, the testator may wish to consider an alternate executor to take to the process to ensure that the testator's wishes are honorably carried out. Once the testator has chosen an alternate executor, enter the following information:

  • The name of the alternate executor
  • Enter City
  • Enter County
  • Enter the state where the alternate resides

Step 3 – Disposition of Property to be bequeathed to Beneficiaries

Beneficiaries – Enter the following:

  • Full names of beneficiaries
  • Current beneficiaries addresses
  • Describe the relationships of the beneficiaries to the testator
  • Enter the last four digits of the SSN for all named beneficiaries
  • Provide the property lists that the testator shall provide for each beneficiary

Step 4 – Testator should review all of the following titled sections:

  • Omission
  • Bond
  • Discretionary Powers of Personal Representative
  • Contesting Beneficiary
  • Guardian Ad Litem  Not Required
  • Gender
  • Assignment
  • Governing Law
  • Binding Arrangement

Step 5 –Signatures – Any signing parties must be present one with the other to sign the document – Enter the following:

  • Name the testator
  • Date of testator's signature – dd/mm/yyyy
  • Testator's signature
  • Print name of testator

Witnesses – Each witness must read the brief statement – and enter

  • The date of allsignatures
  • Testator's name

Witness 1 –

  • Signature of witness
  •  Address

Witness 2 –

  • Signature of witness
  • Address

Step 6 –Affidavit of Testament – Signatories must read the affidavit, and enter:

  • Their City and County of residence
  • State of residence
  • Name of testator
  • 1st witness
  • 2nd witness
  • AND
  • Testator's signature
  • Signature of Witness
  • Signature of Witness

Step 7 (Optional) – Notarization – Once the document is complete, all signatures must be witnessed and acknowledged by a notary public of the state.

Related Forms

Advance Directive

Download: Adobe PDF

Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney

Download: Adobe PDF

Writing A Will In Washington State


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